2004 Nov 18 12:49 PM
Sometimes if I want to test my application in the object navigator, I get the error "Syntaxfehler beim generieren des Testrahmens"
Normally it works again on the next day or after some time
Is this a failure of the SAP System or of my application
2004 Nov 18 1:21 PM
Hi Marcus,
I don't know nothing about your problem, but your error message is in german...
Look at http://babelfish.altavista.com/ and use it with your message, maybe anyone here has seen that message before you in his/her english system
Best wishes,
2004 Nov 18 1:21 PM
Hi Marcus,
I don't know nothing about your problem, but your error message is in german...
Look at http://babelfish.altavista.com/ and use it with your message, maybe anyone here has seen that message before you in his/her english system
Best wishes,