2023 Aug 17 10:33 AM
I got error message from BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST for GL, by passing data on internal table CURRENCYAMOUNT and ACCOUNTGL, "FF 848 Entry of tax for D7 001 (company code) (GL account number) < is not possible because of tax base 0".
To call function "BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST" I fulfilled CURRENCYAMOUNT like
lw_currencyamount-itemno_acc = line item.
lw_currencyamount-curr_type = currency type
lw_currencyamount-amt_doccur = amount
lw_currencyamount-amt_base = base amount
lw_currencyamount-currency = currency (depends on curr type)
lw_currencyamount-exch_rate = (exchange rate)
APPEND: lw_currencyamount TO gt_currencyamount.
I tried include ACCOUNTTAX and the return was "The return was "E RW 014 FI/CO interface: Line item entered several times".
But without tax, I can post GL and posting AP(with vat and without vat) though BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST without any error.
Could you please suggest how to post GL with vat?
Thank you in advance,
2023 Aug 17 10:55 AM
Hello sutthawee
Check the note 626235 - Tax postings with accounting BAPIs that explains how to post taxes with the BAPIs.
Best regards
Dominik Tylczynski
2023 Aug 17 10:55 AM
Hello sutthawee
Check the note 626235 - Tax postings with accounting BAPIs that explains how to post taxes with the BAPIs.
Best regards
Dominik Tylczynski