2019 Dec 31 10:23 PM
what is this error message indicate
The current transaction was reset.
2019 Dec 31 10:56 PM
Maybe tTo avoid the system to crash because of end of year approaching?
2020 Jan 01 9:45 AM
Happy New year!!
In which scenario you got this Error? Give us more details of the error which will help you for a better answer.
2020 Jan 01 4:26 PM
1. Close all other SAP windows, close all other unneeded applications, rerun
2. if still problem, logoff SAP and all applications running on your PC. Shutdown. wait. Turn PC on, do not open email nor other applications. logon SAP only, with only one window. rerun. if still problem:
3. run program in trace. see how many records were input & output before transaction reset, which statements were last executed.
4. consider:
4a. in development system: run in debug; insert (soft) (temporary) breakpoint at - error - to see which statement# program is stopping at
4b. consider running program with fewer records
5. Tell us which program(s), function module(s), BADI(s) or BAPI(s) you are running, how many records, how many minutes it runs before error, if you get SAP Message Class 14, Message# 047, &/or additional or different error message number(s)
6. References
"The current transaction was reset"
SAP ABAP Message Class 14 Message Number 047 (The current transaction was reset)
any tasks not yet released? (in SE09). green light in your task plan for your transport of copies?
SAP Message 14047 - The current transaction was reset http://www.sapfans.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=247040