2011 May 11 6:30 PM
I had an issue with enhancing the BP Transaction within ECC6.
Everything I looked up in SDN, dealt with CRM. Which wasn't much use.
I was particularly trying to update the Sales Area Data( KNVV) of Customer from the BP transaction. So I decided to enhance structure KNVV with my append fields.
I then created my enhancement section within BP and added the new fields with the GS_KNVV field name, hoping that a Move-corresponding transaction would take care of my field transfer from screen to database.
However this would not work, and after a hefty de-bug session, I found that within Class CMD_EI_API_MAP_STRUCTURE=>EXTERN_FORMAT_SALES_DATA there is indeed the move-corresponding command I had hoped for, sadly though the structure it was moving from CMDS_EI_SALES_DATA did not contain my append fields from KNVV.
But once I enhanced that structure, the fields flowed from screen to database easily.
So just putting this info out there in case it can help someone else.
2014 Nov 06 4:20 PM
Hi Gary,
nice post, just one comment: the structure CMDS_EI_SALES_DATAX has to be appended analogically to the structure CMDS_EI_SALES_DATA. But that is obvious, after one starts to implement according to your nice instructions 🙂
Best regards,
2015 Feb 18 5:11 PM
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your post.I have a similar as yours.
Could you please let me know the steps and enhancement where the screen needs to be plugged in.
2015 Feb 17 3:50 PM
Hi Gary,
Thanks for your post.I have a similar as yours.
Could you please let me know the steps and enhancement where the screen needs to be plugged in.