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Enhancement Spot to Enhancement Point / Section Mapping Table


Dear Folks,

We are currently in process of evaluating the custom enhancements that are done in the system. In SE84 based on the HOOK_IMPL type I am able to get all the Enh Implementations that are done in the system via Enhancement Point / Section. While going into the Enh Implementation we can see the Enhancement spot and Enh Point / Section. It does not clearly say whether it is point or a section. We need to distinguish this.

1) Is there a table where we can see an Enh Implementation is a Point or a Section without navigating into the code in single shot?

2) The other way around is find the table which has the relationship for all the Enhancement Point / Section details to the Enhancement Spot. Based on this we can go the other way around to look into the ENHOBJ and ENHINCINX tables.

3) Also, for the standard classes - Is there any table or way to identify if a pre / post / overwrite methods are implemented?

Any tables that will give these relationships for the above cases would help? Thanks.


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Answer on wrong question?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Woops, yet that's wrong ... I'll update / remove if possible ...