2007 Sep 14 8:35 PM
Hi Experts
i need to write some validations in MM01 ( example : if the sales organization is "wwl" then material group 5 should "W08" ).
please tell me is there any userexit or BADI is available for this requirement.
i searched in SMOD using packege "MG" but there are no enhancements exit.
please tell me where i have to write code for MM01?..
Thanks in Advace
2007 Sep 14 8:43 PM
You can use enhancement - MGA00001
Create project in CMOD and use this enhancement
2007 Sep 14 8:49 PM
Hi seshu..
thanks for your reply . yes this enhancement is available. but please tell how can i sure that this is the exit suitable for my requirement , because i serch the program "SAPLMGMM' . There is no satement like " call custmoer function"?
what i mean to ask is how this exits is called in program "SAPLMGMM' ?
2007 Sep 14 9:06 PM
You have to search properly ..
use Function group : MGMU ( Goto SE80-> enter Function group) -> search should be like CUSTOMER-FUNCTION
or you can see in SMOD -> press F4 -> click on information system -> enter package or development class : MGA
or you see at MODACT or MODSAP Tables
2007 Sep 17 4:10 AM
Transaction Code - MM01 Create Material &
Exit Name Description
MGA00001 Material Master (Industry): Checks and Enhancements
MGA00002 Material Master (Industry): Number Assignment
MGA00003 Material Master (Industry and Retail): Number Display
No of Exits: 3
Rewards if useful........................