2016 Nov 24 4:34 PM
Hello gurus,
I'm currently working at Purchase Order creation. I need to trigger a small ABAP code when a Purchase order is created (ME21N) or modified (ME22N).
I currently do this in EXIT_SAPMM06E_13 in enhencement MM06E005 but this trigger my code before the PO is created in the system. And so when I launch BAPI_PO_GETDETAIL1, it retrieves no data.
I would like to set my code just after PO data are set in SAP tables so that I can retrieve data from the PO.
To sum-up, my requirement should be an equivalent of USEREXIT_REFRESH_DOCUMENT (launched at Sales order creation) but on the Purchase Order. Does anyone know if it exists ?
Thank you !
2016 Nov 24 9:23 PM
Hi Adrein
and for User exit it will be a bit if hit and trial for you depending on what field value you are trying to change
EXIT_SAPMM06E_004 part of MM06E004
EXIT_SAPMM06E_006 , 007 or 008
But go to SMOD and see the description which will help you select the one you are looking for .
The thread below had the SMOD list pasted
Let me know if that helps
2016 Nov 25 6:58 AM
Schedule your code in ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST->IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST~POST, wrap your code in a RFC enabled FM and call it in background task so will be executed after end of update tasks.
Also you have already access to the whole data of the PO in this method (thru some call of get_items/get_data methods) so no need to use some read data BAPI...
* Sample
method if_ex_me_process_po_cust~post .
data: lt_items type purchase_order_items,
ls_items type purchase_order_item,
ls_item type mepoitem,
ls_item_old type mepoitem.
" always on PO number
call function 'Z_XXXXX1' in update task
i_ebeln = im_ebeln.
lt_items = im_header->get_items( ).
loop at lt_items into ls_items.
ls_items-item->get_data( receiving re_data = ls_item ).
ls_items-item->get_persistent_data( importing ex_data = ls_item_old exceptions no_data = 1 others = 2 ).
" new/changed lines
if sy-subrc ne 0 or ls_item ne ls_item_old.
call function 'Z_XXXXX2' in background task
destination 'YYYYY'
i_ebeln = ls_item-ebeln
i_ebelp = ls_item-ebelp.
2016 Dec 01 11:09 AM
Hello Raymond,
Thank you for your response !
I have tried to set a break point in the Post method (IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST~POST). But the breakpoint is not reached when I try to save my PO (at creation or modification)...
So nothing will happen if I put my code here.
Can you explain my when this code will be launched or If I have to do something for this code to be launched ? (The method is well active).
Thank you,
2016 Dec 02 8:20 AM
If the BAdI is not implemented, it's not triggered and the break point cannot be reached.
2016 Dec 05 1:53 PM
It's my fault, I didn't write the word 'BAdI' in my answer...
2016 Nov 25 9:30 AM
Are you using workflow in the release strategy? With this you can easily control if things need to be executed after a create or a change.
Kind regards, Rob Dielemans
2016 Dec 05 11:27 AM
Hello all and thank you for your responses,
I have found a way to do what I wanted to do.
In "EXIT_SAPMM06E_013", I launch a parallel task with "STARTING NEW TASK". In this task I test the completeness of the data in the EKKO table. While, in this parallel task, the test on the table return an error (it means the table is not completed for the PO at stake), we wait.
Like this, the process of the creation of the entry in the table is done BEFORE we try to retrieve the data.
Thank you !