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enabling/hiding iviews within a role based on user permissions

Former Member
0 Kudos

I would like to be able to setup a few key parent roles and then have a series of IViews under it. I would assign user groups to the roles accordingly. But then I want the iViews within the role(s) to be visible to only certain subsets of those groups. So, suppose role A has iviews 1 thru 9. I want to assign role A to group A, but within group A, there are a groups of users who should only see iViews 5-9.

I also tried putting those iViews (5-9) in a seperate role that was underneath role A, but the parent users (group A) still sees all iViews.

What am I missing? I'd rather avoid creating the subroles for our specific solution.


0 Kudos


within the role with iViews 1-9, go in the permissions for the iViews that shouldn't be shown. Then remove End User Permissions for the users that shouldn't see them. I would suggest to create a child group for these users to make the administration of the last step easier.

I think this will do the job for you.



0 Kudos

That's not working as I'd hoped.

I have role A that has iViews 1-4.

I have user groups A and B that can see role A. I want group A to see iviews 1-3, where group B should be able to see all 4.

I opened the permissions of iView4 at it's source location(since the iviews are in the role as delta links). There are just 2 groups assigned: everyone and superadmins. I removed the 'end user' check from the everyone group and even changed it's rights to 'none'.

But the iView still appears in the role for users in group A (and B, but it always did).

0 Kudos

Try assigning view 1-3 and usergroup A to and other view and user group B to seperate instances of the same object. manually add another same object and in one instance add user group A and views which you want it to see and other instance usergroup B and other views

Award points if found helpful

With Regards,
