2023 Sep 25 6:34 AM
Hello all,
currently we are doing mail sending program,
in body content of the mail we are send more than 255 characters but it is not allowing as there is restriction up to 255 char
we are currently using,
CALL METHOD cl_document_bcs=>create_documentbut over here i_text(Body content) is limited to 255 characters,
need to extent more..... also tried
so_new_document_att_send_api1 function module
kindly help me with any suggestions
thank you.....
2023 Sep 25 7:00 AM
It is a table, and the line of the table is limited to 255. You just have to split the text.
check class CL_BCS_CONVERT
2023 Sep 25 8:08 AM
Don't use so_new_document_att_send_api1
Use the CL_BCS classes.
2023 Sep 25 9:42 AM
In method create_document, parameter i_text is an internal table, so split your long text into multiple records.
There are multiple tools from FM CONVERT_ITF_TO_STREAM_TEXT to methods such as STRING_TO_SOLI of class CL_BCS_CONVERT depending on how you built your long text.
2023 Sep 25 10:31 AM
Hi geethan_10,
for unicode reason, you should check this solution:
DATA: lt_text TYPE solix_tab,
DATA: lr_buf TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_out_ce.
lr_buf = cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>create( ).
lr_buf->write( 'Dieses ist Blindtext' ).
lt_text = cl_bcs_convert=>xstring_to_solix( lr_buf->get_buffer( ) ).
lr_doc = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
i_type = 'HTM'
i_subject = CONV #( l_subject )
i_hex = lt_text