2009 Mar 11 3:44 AM
Hello Experts,
I have an ALV output, in which I have a column as editable. I have generated the output using 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'. I got to know that after changing the editable cell's value, if we double click the cell or if operate with any PF-status components, the value will automatically get changed in internal table also. For double click I am getting the expected result. But If I click a button the value doesn't get changed in internal table. Is there any other change I have to do for this. If I have checkbox in ALV will it be rectified. But my requirement is when I click the button only It has to be modified in the database table.
Thanks and regards,
2009 Mar 11 4:28 AM
Hi Venkat,
In your form for User Command
write following
DATA ref1 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
e_grid = ref1.
CALL METHOD ref1->check_changed_data.
Case 'User-Command'.
data : i_grid_settings type lvc_s_glay.
"Calling ALV grid for display
call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
i_callback_program = sy-repid
i_callback_user_command = i_callback_user_command
i_grid_settings = i_grid_settings
is_layout = is_layout
it_fieldcat = it_fieldcat
t_outtab = it_final
"for call back values from editable grid cells
i_grid_settings-edt_cll_cb = 'X'.
Hope it helps you,
2009 Mar 11 3:53 AM
In PAI need to modify the internal table
MODIFY <Itab> index <table control-current_line>
2009 Mar 11 3:54 AM
Which is the button from which you need changes ?
Did you get the code of that button and write code for it in your program ?
Can you send the extract of it ?
2009 Mar 11 4:05 AM
The button I am using is coming from PF-status of ALV . If I click the button the following code will trigger.
FORM user_command USING ok_code TYPE sy-ucomm sf TYPE slis_selfield.
if ok_code = 'EDIT'.
MODIFY ysdinvoicerpt from table t_invoice_rpt.
commit WORK.
This user_command form has been given as input parameter of i_callback_user_command of ALV grid display. If I double click the cell in ALV some system code is triggered and internal table is automatically changed. But If I click the cell, that updation doesn't get changed. Is there any way to take the value of the ALV cell.
Thanks for your response,
2009 Mar 11 4:08 AM
2009 Mar 11 4:13 AM
When you click the button does the debugger come inside 'if ' and internal table t_*rpt gets changed .
OR modify is not working ?
2009 Mar 11 4:15 AM
Hi Venkat ,
You should use Event handler ,
in the event handler method you can write code to modify internal table as well as to update the Database table .
Sreenivas reddy
2009 Mar 11 4:01 AM
Hi Venkat,
The other option is the refresh button on the grid, if u assign the function code of the refresh button to any of your custom button the data shall be saved authomatically ..
try this..
it will work
2009 Mar 11 4:13 AM
in your "REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' use the export Parameter
i_callback_user_command = 'USER_COMMAND' and also in the User_command form you can user fm
'GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR' and METHOD ref1->check_changed_data to capture changed Data
2009 Mar 11 4:28 AM
Hi Venkat,
In your form for User Command
write following
DATA ref1 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
e_grid = ref1.
CALL METHOD ref1->check_changed_data.
Case 'User-Command'.
data : i_grid_settings type lvc_s_glay.
"Calling ALV grid for display
call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
i_callback_program = sy-repid
i_callback_user_command = i_callback_user_command
i_grid_settings = i_grid_settings
is_layout = is_layout
it_fieldcat = it_fieldcat
t_outtab = it_final
"for call back values from editable grid cells
i_grid_settings-edt_cll_cb = 'X'.
Hope it helps you,