2023 Mar 17 1:00 PM
Hi all,
After installing latest Eclipse update (2023-03), I can't open any transaction. No mater if I want to start it with Alt+F8 or just simply create new SAP GUI session.
Here are, I believe, two main components:
Here is what I got when I double click on some screen in Project Explorer window:
An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error opening the embedded Gui: com.sap.adt.sapgui.ui.editors.WinGuiEditor
And here is the excerpt from error log:
Fri Mar 17 11:40:32 CET 2023
Execution exception for: ParameterizedCommand(Command(com.sap.adt.sapgui.ui.launchExecutableObject,Run an ABAP development object,
Run an ABAP development object,
Category(com.sap.adt.sapgui.ui.commands.category,SAP GUI Commands,null,true),
,,true),null) in
context chain: WorkbenchContext -> TrimmedWindowImpl (IDEWindow) Context -> PerspectiveImpl (com.sap.adt.ui.AbapPerspective) Context -> PartImpl (org.eclipse.pde.runtime.LogView) Context
Fill log with Exception and Stack Trace is in attachment: eclipse-2023-03-sap-gui-exception-and-stact-trace.txt
Does anyone knows solution for this?
Or maybe I need to report it to ADT team?
Thanks upfront for any hint!
2023 Mar 21 8:34 AM
Update: The newest version/patch of BW should now also be compatible with Eclipse 2023-03. This is now also maintained in the table at https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/
Dear Nemanja,
it seems there is a problem with BW tools and Eclipse 2023-03 that might cause this embedded GUI issue. BW experts are currently working on this.
Do you have BW modelling tools installed?
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
2023 Mar 20 8:02 AM
Hello Nemanja,
thanks for reporting the issue. I just tried to reproduce the issue on Windows with
- Eclipse 3.19.0.v20230302-0300
- ADT 3.32.2
But embedded GUI works fine for me.
Which version of SAP GUI for Windows do you use? Could you try to create a fresh workspace and see whether that changes anything?
Thanks and best regards,
2023 Mar 20 1:47 PM
Hi Armin,
Thanks a lot for taking interest into this issue. I'm using SAP GUI 760 Final Release.
Excerpt from saplogon.exe.version.txt:
SAP Logon for Windows
760 Final Release
Best regards,
PS. I'll try what you suggested and put an outcome here.
2023 Mar 20 2:10 PM
Hi Armin,
I have deleted all workspaces, then created a new workspace and still Eclipse do not opens SAP GUI window. 😞
I'm going to try to reinstall Eclipse from the scratch.
2023 Mar 20 3:54 PM
Unfortunately, still same message is appearing when I try to run SAP GUI from fresh installed Eclipse and ADT:
Execution exception for: ParameterizedCommand(Command(com.sap.adt.sapgui.ui.launchExecutableObject,Run an ABAP development object,
Run an ABAP development object,
Category(com.sap.adt.sapgui.ui.commands.category,SAP GUI Commands,null,true),
,,true),null) in
context chain: WorkbenchContext -> TrimmedWindowImpl (IDEWindow) Context -> PerspectiveImpl (com.sap.adt.ui.AbapPerspective) Context -> PartImpl (org.eclipse.ui.navigator.ProjectExplorer) Context
2023 Mar 21 12:59 PM
nemanja.simovic.avnet SAP GUI 7.60 is no more supported. What happens if you use SAP GUI 7.70 or 8.00?
2023 Mar 21 5:48 AM
I had the same problem on my Mac, and here is how I solved it. You can implement the same idea to other operation systems as well.
First, you need to locate the JavaFX library path. On my Mac, it is located at /Applications/javafx-sdk-11.0.1/lib . Please note that the /lib suffix is important.
Now, ensure that Eclipse is not running, and locate the file Eclipse.app . On my Mac, it is located at /Applications/eclipse/java-2021-03/Eclipse.app . Right-click this file and select “Show Package Contents”. Here, you need to edit Contents/Eclipse/eclipse.ini . You need to add the following lines to the end of the file:
Obviously, –module-path points to your JavaFX library path.
Bonus info: While you are in eclipse.ini; you can remove the following lines to make Eclipse fonts bigger.
That’s all! Save your .ini file, start Eclipse and try to open a SAP GUI window. Works fine on my Mac.
2023 Mar 21 1:27 PM
Hi kerem.koseoglu ,
Thanks for your tip. I have already solved this problem with the help of armin.beil.2 advice.
Still, after my fresh install of Eclipse on Windows, I have found the file you have suggested at location c:\Users\<username>\eclipse\java-2023-03\eclipse\eclipse.ini. If I try this, I'll leave my findings here! Thanks again Kerem!
2023 Mar 21 8:34 AM
Update: The newest version/patch of BW should now also be compatible with Eclipse 2023-03. This is now also maintained in the table at https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/
Dear Nemanja,
it seems there is a problem with BW tools and Eclipse 2023-03 that might cause this embedded GUI issue. BW experts are currently working on this.
Do you have BW modelling tools installed?
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
2023 Mar 21 11:05 AM
Hi armin.beil.2 ,
Yes, I do have BW Modeling Workbench (1.25.15).
I'll try to remove it and let you know. Hope it'll help. 🙂 Appreciate your advice!
2023 Mar 21 1:00 PM
Hi armin.beil.2 ,
Your tip solved my problem!
SAP GUI is working now, when BW Modeling Workbench is uninstalled. Bravo! Thanks a lot!
2023 Mar 28 11:56 AM
The newest version/patch of BW should now also be compatible with Eclipse 2023-03. This is now also maintained in the table at https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/
2023 Mar 27 1:50 PM
I had the same Problem for about a week and a half now.
Sadly I had neither BW modeling tools installed, nor do I have JavaFX (as far as I can tell, using SAPMachine 17) on my PC.
After some trial and error it is now working again through I am not sure what exactly the fix was, but I can at least describe what I did, in hopes that it helps somebody:
I completly uninstalled DevStyle. That in itself did not change the problem.
I than compared a new clean Eclipse, just with the ADT Plugin to my broken one and started uninstalling addons, starting with Mylyn. And that is where the part about me not knowing what exactly fixed it comes in. As I uninstalled the Mylyn (conntext Connector usw.), I reinstalled DevStyle.
Restarted Eclipse again, and now its working again.
A small sidenode: The taskbar Icon for eclipse was also broken showing just the default windows application Icon, after Eclipse fully started. That is now also fixed again, so maybe these 2 problems were from the same source.
2023 Mar 28 12:03 PM
Hi Tobias,
I have no detail knowledge about MyLyn (would have to ask some colleagues in case we need to know this for sure) but I think I heard that MyLyn functionality is meanwhile included into Eclipse itself so maybe it is not necessary to install it as separate/additional software anymore.
Another common issue is the darkest dark theme. Darkest dark is not fully compatible with ADT and it can cause bugs/problems in ADT.
Best regards,