2023 Mar 21 2:22 PM
Hi there,
when I create a new ABAP project in Eclipse ADT, Eclipse is showing a popup with all known SAP system connections.
Can anyone tell me from which source Eclipse ADT retrieves these connection information:
2023 Mar 21 2:27 PM
what do you mean by source ? this is your sapgui configuration
2023 Mar 21 5:47 PM
Hi frdric.girod,
yes I know. And on Windows there is also a file called SAPUILandscape.xml in folder %APPDATA%\Roaming\SAP\common that seems to contain system endpoint configurations.
Unfortunately, Eclipse seems to ignore these configurations because when I change something in this file, it will not be displayed in this Eclipse popup...
So am I doing anything wrong or is there another file where these system endpoint configurations are stored?
2023 Mar 21 10:59 PM
Hi dschiener,
What Version of SAP GUI do you use? In some older versions the newer configuration file SAPUILandscape.xml is not mandatory. Since 7.60 or 7.70 it is the only option.
If I remember correctly you can see the used Configfiles in the SAP GUI Options.
And yes, the answer from frdric.girod is correct, the SAP GUI System connections are displayed.
2023 Mar 22 6:35 AM
Hi michael.biber2,
thank you for your reply. So I use SAP Gui 7.70...
So you mean for this SAP Gui version the SAPUILandscape.xml is the only option to configure these connections?
Hm. If so I am doing something wrong.
If I change anything in this file my Eclipse ADT does not recognize these changes...:(
2023 Mar 22 10:02 AM
Ok solved it. I had to adapt the configuration path in SAP Gui Configuration too:
Had forgotten this step...