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Dynpro: Alignment of label texts

0 Kudos

I have defined a dynpro screen 1000 like this:

But if I execute this in SAP GUI 770.1.4.1161 the screen is being shown like this:

It looks like label texts have been aligned right (see yellow marked spaces): How can I change the alignment to "left to right"? Thanks in advance!


Active Contributor

There's a button to see the attributes of each screen field. There's "Right-Justified" option:

0 Kudos

Hi Sandra, thanks for the fast response. In my case this flag is already not ticked and it doesn't seem to have any effect at all - if I tick it on nothing changes neither does when not ticked on.

Active Contributor

Could it be related to the SAP GUI theme which you have selected. I see in note 2796898 - New and changed features in SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 that labels may be right-aligned:

  • New visual theme family "Quartz”
  • The successor to the Belize theme is the Quartz theme which offers a visual integration into the Fiori 3.0 theme available in other SAP UI frameworks. For the first time this theme also comes with an additional dark flavor for users who prefer a dark background. The feature set of Quartz is very much like the one of the Belize theme. It is available for all SAP products still being supported, it is released for Accessibility and it also supports the Fiori features (right aligned labels, automatic usage of the full screen width, and so forth) introduced in Belize.


Hi Sandra, thanks for the continuing support! I was now able to check this on another system, same source code and same SAP GUI patch level (updated to 770 PL 9) and settings (also theme "Quarz"): On the 1st system I get right to left-aligned labels and on the 2nd system I get left to right-aligned labels - it seems that this could be related to a system-specific setting.