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DYNP_VALUES_READ works different in different cases

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Are there any alternative FMs or Class methods to DYNP_VALUES_READ? The FM works fine in most of my requirements to read screen values but it is erring in some cases. I am using it in a search help exit to read scfreen values and perform some validations before displaying the search help.

Below are 3 cases, 3 different programs from where I am trying to read screen values

Case 1. Screen values from table control correctly read. Only problem is the CALLCONTROL-CUROW of the search help is greater than DYNPREAD-STEPL by 2... still I am able to manage by reading the table using CALLCONTROL-CUROW - 2 with STEPL as the key

Case 2. Exception: Invalid dynproname - though I pass the correct program name and screen number

2. In another case, it is reading the screen values from a table controlbut the table dynpread contains only the first row of the table control and the stepl is always 0

Any suggestions will be gratefully appreciated.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

cracked it myself

0 Kudos


I am facing kind of similar issue where there are 3 line items on the screen and its fetching value for 3rd line item each time and not the first and second. Would you please share your solution?
May be it could help resolve my issue.