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In a Table control we have provided a radio button filed. The table control lists several data and the user needs to select one of the given data and then only to proceed.

Case : When there are contents in the table control which are not shown in the current screen, but can be seen when scrolled.

By default the first radio button against the first listed data is checked. If I scroll down so that the line item against which the raio button was seleceted goes up and is not shown in the screen, if I select another radiobutton and scroll up , the DUMP DYNP_TOO_MANY_RADIOBUTTONS_ON will occur.

When I Checked the Internal table the filed by which the radio button is represented (ie. SEL field) is getting selected for both the radiobuttons selected.

And the dump is occuring only when both the selected radiobuttons are displayed in the screen (By scrolling).

Is this because that SAP is handiling Only RADIOBUTTON group concept in the current screen.

Is there any Standard Action to be performed to solve the issue.



Edited by: DEVANAND D SHENOY on Jul 18, 2011 8:16 AM


Former Member
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Hi Shenoy,

Have you specified the grouping for the RB?

Thanks and Best Regards,


0 Kudos

The Grouping is Working proper.

As per my thinking we dont need to group the radiobuttons in a table controll if placed in a column.

While selecting the radiobuttons in the same screen, only one can be selected. but the case arrises only when trying to select the radio buttons after scrolling the firstly selected radiobutton , so that its not shown in the current screen.

0 Kudos


In the Table control setting, under attributes, check if you have chosen 'Single' for both 'Line sel' and 'Column select'.

This will ensure a single select always.



0 Kudos


To start with ,we can go ahead with the line selection option provided by the system(usually denoted by 'SEL') ,used for line selections(single/multiple) ,this will be the standard solution.

If we still need a radio button in the table control as per requirement,it is best to define a function code for the button and based on cursor selection , clear the other line selected to prevent multiple radio button on the same group getting selected .

Hope it helps.



0 Kudos

I already tried the LIne Selection option (SEL) With attributes,'Single' for both 'Line sel'.

Even after doing the same, I can select multiple lines "SEL" after scrolling out the first selected line from the screen, and after scrolling back we can see that both the lines as selected.

The only benift replacing th eradiobutton with the standard SEL that i found in my situation was NO DUMP will be coming if we are using Standard SEL field.

0 Kudos

I think the problem is with your code you have written to set the value for the first line by default.. Where ave you written it and what have you written??

0 Kudos

After my roll over to standard SEL line selection i have not used the Default SEL, i need to manually select the line item. after selecting one of the listed item if i scroll and select another in the next screen and scroll reverse i can see both the line items selected.

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You have to deselect the selected line first manually (using the code format given above ) before the new row is marked

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Now no line selection is done automatically, user needs to be done, even after that the same issue is there

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Can you please paste your code in PBO and PAI modules related to the table control

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where is the code written and what is the code written by you to set the first radio button as checked by default.

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where is the code written and what is the code written by you to set the first radio button as checked by default.

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If this problem is related with standard sap things,please search for an oss note with searhterm "DYNP_TOO_MANY_RADIOBUTTONS_ON " u can get the solution.

Previously I solved the same problem like that only.



Former Member
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Hi Devanand Shenoy

Assign a fcode to the radio button in the Table control

then get the unique id against which you have selected the radio button in the line

and store it into some global variable and after scrolling inside PAI Loop of table control and in PAI User command

write event of function code of radio button and loop the internal table and clear

the radio button selection field for all lines except for the Radbutton which has the unique key obtained from the PAI loop

***************PAI ***************
LOOP AT it_tab.
  IF rb_sel = 'X'.
    it_tab-rad_sel = 'X'.
    wrk_line = it_tab-uniq_fld.
  MODIFY it_tab INDEX tctrl_it_tab-current_line.
  IF sy-subrc NE 0 .
    APPEND it_tab .

**********User Command***********
CASE ok_code.
WHEN 'RBPT'. "Ok code of Radio button in Tab cntrl
      LOOP AT it_tab
        WHERE uniq_fld NE wrk_line.
          CLEAR it_tab-rad_sel.
          MODIFY it_tab INDEX sy-tabix.

Here when you select a radio button then

rad_sel field in internal table get cleared

for all lines except the line in the internal table

by comapring uniq_fld and wrk_line.

Please check and update..


Hari G

Former Member
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if i am not wrong, enable the line selector option in table control in layout, hope it will full fill your requirement to select the single line with out radio button.