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Dynamic graph in Smart Forms

Former Member
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I have searched the forums and noticed this question has been put forward many times but without a complete solution.

I have so far managed to use the IGS to create a .JPG/PNG file for me. I seem to have an error while trying to create a BMP file, basis is currently looking into this for me, i get a LISTENERRFC : error.

I'm using class : cl_igs_chart_engine

to generate a chart from the IGS, this is returned to me in a MIME table format.

Now how can I use this MIME table to insert it dynamically in the SMARTFORM. I see there is provision for Dynamic determined graphics in smart forms but i don't think it can be used here.

Does anyone know how to do this ? Is there any other more effective way of inserting dynamic graphs into SAMRTFORMS

Another question is class : cl_igs_chart_engine, how can you create a line graph instead of a bar graph ?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Kevin,

Dynamic graphic in samrtform is supported provided you have the BMAP ( Bitmap ) created in SAP. In the graphics node of SMARTFORM you can assign a variable &GRAPHIC& as the name. From the program pass the graphic name in variable "GRAPHIC" through samrtform interface .

The prerequisite is that the graphics should be there in SAP database at the time you call smartform .

About your other question I have no idea but I can say that if you can have a graphics created on your PC at runtime you can always upload it to SAP using report RSTXLDMC , just before calling smartform. However this would generate a lot of graphics on SAP even if it is for one time use by smartform . You will have to find a way to delete subsequently .
