2023 Oct 14 3:43 PM
While executing a job on the program SDV03V02 which is ATP reschedule.
I have a dump SPOOL_INTERNAL_ERROR. Here is the description of the error in ST22 :
RSPO - Error
code: 1 RSPOEINTERN Some other internal error
spool overflow
module: rspospno no: 29 line: 354 T100: PO001
and the issue description on SM21 :
'Spool is Full' :
When trying to creating a spool request, the system determined that there are no more free spool request numbers. Delete spool requests you no longer require.
Based on these errors description and some searches on SCN, I have done the following actions :
- Delete the old spools on SP01
- Change the range number for object SPO_NUM to the value '999 999'
The jobs on the standard report ' RSPO1041' and ' RSPO1043' are running everyday on our system.
After performing these actions, still I have the same issue.
I only have the issue on this specific job, I do not have issue on the other jobs. Also, this job starts to failed after the installation of a new addon ADSUBCON, probably it's linked.
Do you know how to solve this issue?
Thank you for your help
2023 Oct 14 6:29 PM
What to say except doing what the SAP notes say?
Or just contact SAP Support if it's standard program.
Could it be related to below note?
3381547 - Prevent running in background mode (ADSUBCON) - SAP for Me
1953355 - System can no longer generate spool numbers after a kernel patch - SAP for Me
2023 Oct 15 8:03 AM
Hi Christophe
Check this SAP Wiki link for the dump