2008 Jun 27 5:34 PM
I am also facing the same error and this one is for a standard SAP program.
Can someone please suggest a solution/hint to the problem?
2008 Jun 27 5:42 PM
Error analysis
A table is referred to in an SAP Open SQL statement that either does not
exist or is unknown to the ABAP Data Dictionary.
The table involved is "/BIC/B0000141000 " or another table accessed in the
The table mentioned here ""/BIC/B0000141000 " is a Error Stack which is not created at the DB level.
I havent been able to locate a SAP note which addresses this issue;
"How to correct the error
Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.
Please check the entries in the system log (Transaction SM21).
Internal call code.........: "[RSQL/COUN//BIC/B0000141000 ]"
If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
Information on where terminated
Termination occurred in the ABAP program "CL_RSBC_ERROR_HANDLER=========CP" -
The main program was "SAPMSSY1 ".
In the source code you have the termination point in line 31
of the (Include) program "CL_RSBC_ERROR_HANDLER=========CM00Q".
2008 Jun 27 11:48 PM
Hi Raza.
I have branched your question into a new thread. I think this is better than bringing a old thread back to the top. But I very much appreciate that you searched for older postings with the same problem.
You have posted parts of the short dump. Have you done a search in SAP Notes as suggested? Most likely this would be the best point to start. As the error message is saying that you run into a memory problem: Has the amount of data been increased that is used by the report?
If you can't find any SAP Notes and it's a dump in a unchanged SAP report most likely you will need to open up a customer message.
Best regards,
Jan Stallkamp