2007 Feb 09 4:41 PM
Hi All.
I'm using the function GUI_DOWNLOAD to download an internal table to excel, and it works fine when the program is ran from SAPGui, but when ran from the browser (ESS/MSS), the file generated doesn't come with the TAB delimiter, so excel can not open it directly (it opens in a single column).
Any idea on how to fix this?
thanks in advance,
2007 Feb 09 4:42 PM
Are you passing WRITE_FIELD_SEPARATOR = 'X' when calling the GUI_DOWNLOAD FM..
2007 Feb 09 4:42 PM
Are you passing WRITE_FIELD_SEPARATOR = 'X' when calling the GUI_DOWNLOAD FM..
2007 Feb 09 4:45 PM
yes, I am. as I told, it's working fine when ran from Sap gui...
2007 Feb 09 5:26 PM
Hi Hermes,
Are u using the tab as delimeter in interal table to seprate the records?
If not use following:
constants: c_tab TYPE c VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
Itab-field1 = 'a'.
Itab-field2 = 'b'.
Itab-field3 = 'b'.
concatenate Itab-field1 Itab-field2 Itab-field3 seprated by c_tab.
Then download the records.