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Download STRING/XSTRING to a file

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I have two variables (string and xstring types and content) with data obtained from a API response. The variable lv_responseissue contains Bin data of a ZIP file. The variable lv_responseissue_x contains xstring data of a ZIP file:

I need to download the content to a file, but I dont have a itab DATA_TAB because the API response has stored data to a string and xstring variables. How can I download this content to a file without the DATA_TAB? Or how can I create the DATA_TAB itab from any of the variables? I need to download a file for UNZIP after and open some files which are inside the ZIP file.

Thanks in advance.


Active Contributor

If I search this:

Download STRING/XSTRING to a file

I see many answers and I can quickly find a good one with code.

Also, you can search "convert STRING to iTAB" or "convert XSTRING to iTAB" and you'll get many answers.

But my preferred way to convert are the methods from CL_BCS_CONVERT because it's quite an official way (BCS API).