2006 Nov 01 3:27 AM
IAM doing generic upload of excel to SAP/ FI Postings iam uploading excelsheeet from work station and format like some strcture then save it in Unix file.But my problrm is that sheet must Use the protected control fields to verify the date and number format used by the user at the time of entry. It is suggested the user formats the date to show the month by name. The uploaded value, however, will reflect the user settings of the workstation. For example:
1). We save 12/31/2005 as control date
2). The user in Asia will see 31 December, 2005
3). The uploaded value will be 31/12/2005
4). The program can recognize the format used (DD/MM/YYYY i/o MM/DD/YYYY as in the US)
plz help me out from the problem with sample code..
2006 Nov 01 5:19 AM
the way i interpreted your problem suggests following:
use db table T005X and field LAND to get different country specific date format. let me know if you wanted something else.