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Doubt about Standard program error in FIN_AUTO_CORR_MIG_ERROR

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Hey guys

I have the following error when activating the FIN_AUTO_CORR_MIG_ERROR program

Does anyone know any sap notes or any way to fix this problem?

The sap is SAP_APPL 605 0008


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Implement the following SAP note:

2890142 - Deactivate Program FIN_AUTO_CORR_MIG_ERROR

The program FIN_AUTO_CORR_MIG_ERROR needs to be deactivated and should not be used.

0 Kudos



DO you have the steps of this sap note ?


0 Kudos


I ran the NOTE_2793849 program but it didn't solve the problem and the log says:

But the error continues when activating the program.

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ronaldo.aparecido Look carefully at the two notes:

You can see that the note 2793849 creates the program FIN_AUTO_CORR_MIG_ERROR.

You can see that the note 2890142 applies to exactly the same support packages as the note 2793849, and its only goal is to remove completely the program FIN_AUTO_CORR_MIG_ERROR as if it never existed. When you apply the note 2793849, SNOTE tells you to subsequently install the note 2890142.

It means that SAP has realized a little time after publishing the program that it was wrong, removed it, and so you should not use it.

I hope you understand.

I guess you should ask the question about the reason why you want to use this program.

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We are applying sap notes and we are having problems transporting requests because this program FIN_AUTO_CORR_MIG_ERROR is in the request and presents the mentioned error, so do you think I can remove it from the request so that it is no longer used?

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ronaldo.aparecido I guess you have applied the notes in a non-conventional way (wrong order or whatever), in that case such inconsistency may happen and you can apply any solution you want to come back to the normal state. Deleting it manually is not a problem because the note 2890142 deletes it. If you can't find a solution, you may contact the SAP support to help you.