2007 Oct 30 4:38 AM
Hi All
iam searching bapis about <b>Maintain activity</b>.
i found one bapi like <b>CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN</b>
but i didn't get any functional documentation about that bapi.
if any one know about that bapi please give me response.....
Thanks and regards
2007 Oct 30 4:45 AM
CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN is used for modifying contract.
> this gives list of values which is to be modified.
u have to pass values to modified and key for
that particular internal table
> specify values to modified
1) CT_INPUT_FIELDS ...this gives the list of field which is to be modified
so u have to specify internal table ,field name and selection key.
2)CT_ORDERADM_H......this for header of the contract.
u specify header detail along with modification.
3) CT_ORDERADM_I........same applies for line item
4) CV_LOG_HANDLE........Application error log
2007 Oct 30 4:47 AM
check if this helps you