2021 Nov 07 11:34 AM
Hi, I have an issue with the installation of AS ABAP in Docker on my computer. I have 16GB of ram so the solution with the SAP docker file is not working for me. So I used the dockerfile from https://github.com/nzamani/sap-nw-abap-trial-docker
But here I have also problemes. I tried it with all 3 versions. Here are the results:
Here I only get to the SAPCAR, then the installation is exited
Here I always get to the point where I see the file “syuxccuren.cpp” in the log. Then just nothing more is happening. Its also not exited or showing an error. Its just stuck even if I wait for 2 hours.
There I’m also getting to “syuxccuren.cpp” but with an error and the installation is exited
Can anybody give me an hint, what its wrong for any of the installations?
2021 Nov 07 12:21 PM
Which kernel do you have on your system? It might be the same issue I had.
2021 Nov 07 5:22 PM
andreaborgia But how did you set it to opensuse 15.2?
If I change it in the dockerfile, then uname -sr still gives me "Linux"
2021 Nov 08 8:43 AM
Some background: I am running Docker on Debian/testing, which has a newer kernel than this specific version of SAP likes. Even though we now know you're running Docker on Windows, I suspect the core issue is probably the same. I ended up installing a normal VM with OpenSuse and this works well, but I seem to remember that Former Member had managed to find a workaround.
EDIT: another option is "undocking" the HANA1909 demo
2021 Nov 08 9:28 AM
2021 Nov 09 9:25 AM
Hi, thanks for the hints. I did it now with virtualbox and opensuse 15.2 which has kernel "Linux 5.3.18-lp152.19-default". But also have with the 7.52 version I only get to the point:
Checking Linux kernel memory management parameters according to SAP Note 941735
Backing up /etc/sysctl.conf in /etc/sysctl.backup
Checking Linux kernel parameter vm.max_map_count according to SAP Note 900929
Updating the sysctl option vm.max_map_count
The option vm.max_map_count was added to the configuration file
Checking presence of new SYBASE license files
Replaced the license file /sybase/NPL/SYSAM-2_0/licenses/SYBASE_ASE_TestDrive.lic
SAPCAR: processing archive /home/bartho/abaptrial/ABAP/server/TAR/x86_64/SAPHOSTAGENT42_42-20009394.SAR (version 2.01)
SAPCAR: 45 file(s) extracted
2021 Nov 09 2:23 PM
there must be something wrong, but without any error message it is hard to guess.
The installation here stops right after decompression of the archives. Actually before it really begins.
Probably journalctl and dmesg will tell more.