2006 Jan 03 10:03 PM
How can I change the delivered text 'Display Scorecard' that appears on a button on an Appraisal Document when the Link (Display Scorecard) is configured on the Layout section of an Appraisal Template?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Mary Ann Kolnik
2006 Jan 05 9:39 AM
Hello Mary Ann,
As button text the Filter Value text is taken. When you want to change this text you will have to copy the BAdI implementation to a customer copy, change the filter value to the text you want to display.
Then go the normal OSA BAdI registration way (OOHAP_BASIC), make it available on the category level (in the catalog) and then change the link on the template layout to your implementation.
Regards and Groetjes,
2006 Jan 03 10:27 PM
Could you please eloborate the questoin with more details like transaction and processing information.
2006 Jan 04 1:37 AM
Hi Mary,
Did you try to change the value using the BAdI 'HRHAP00_LINK'?
Suresh Datti
2006 Jan 04 1:53 PM
Hi Suresh,
I have looked at the BAdi 'HRHAP00_LINK' and the associated implementation 'HRHAP00_LINK_001' and all the methods. Where would I be able to change the value?
I did see in the 'GET_INFORMATION' method where it mentions transaction SE61 and 'TX' to change documentation, but I couldn't find in SE61 how to add an entry to change the verbiage on the 'Display Scorecard' button.
Mary Ann
2006 Jan 05 9:39 AM
Hello Mary Ann,
As button text the Filter Value text is taken. When you want to change this text you will have to copy the BAdI implementation to a customer copy, change the filter value to the text you want to display.
Then go the normal OSA BAdI registration way (OOHAP_BASIC), make it available on the category level (in the catalog) and then change the link on the template layout to your implementation.
Regards and Groetjes,
2006 Jan 05 6:38 PM