2020 Jul 18 12:38 PM
Hi Experts,
i have to display a push button in additional data b tab of SO line item(VA02) Screen 8459. When this button is pressed it has to display a popup box and display some internal table with 8 fields. i have tried POPUP_WITH_TABLE, POPUP_TABLE_DISPLAY. It is displaying fields in a continuous text.
Also i am getting error for FCODE assigned to push button. I am clearing sy-ucomm and fcode. But on subsequent pressing it is displayin error message T185. Is it mandatory to use VFBS to maintain T185/T185F tables ?
2020 Jul 18 6:56 PM
Why don't you create a custom screen to display your table of 8 columns?
Concerning T185, if it works, why do you think you shouldn't do it? (I guess it's the question behind "is it mandatory to...")
2020 Jul 19 6:43 PM
Hmm yes right now using std FM to display table in a subscreen. But this is to be invoked only once it a button is pressed.added button to 8459 screen, displaying subscreen on top of it.
Please guide if t185 entry also to be maintained.
2020 Jul 19 8:51 PM
There is another question in the forum where the guy explained he solved by customizing T185/T185F: https://answers.sap.com/comments/11219480/view.html
I could verify that it works.