2016 Jun 15 10:30 AM
my requirement is to disable possibility of of modification components list in MD12 transaction. So the component list should look excatly like in MD13.
Is this possible? What are the options? I have also my Z_MD12 and there is no problem to do this but when I go from, for example, MD04 to planned order modification I go to MD12 so I need to disable this also in the standard transaction.
Please help me.
Best regards.
2016 Jun 15 1:04 PM
Press continue in popup up to we will get.. Mean while you have to create screen variants. It will take you to table list.
2016 Jun 15 10:55 AM
With SHD0 to disable are inactive the list in standard transaction.
2016 Jun 15 10:59 AM
Ok, but if I make variant of transaction there will be in fact new transaction, and when I go through MD04 to MD12 I'll still have standard MD12. Or am I wrong?
2016 Jun 15 11:10 AM
2016 Jun 15 11:40 AM
Ok, so another questions
When I'm making the variant in SHD0, everything is ok until I go in components (screen 115) in MD12, I have no values there so how I can make the fields output only?
How I can set my custom variant to be default for standard transaction MD12 when I'm not calling this transaction from my code but from the standard MD04 for example?
Sorry for so much questions but I've never done that before.
2016 Jun 15 12:20 PM
Hi Tiru,
Nop. After processing the screen -115. you will get SCREEN ENTRIES popup with fields. so here we can select the INVISIBLE or OUTPUT ONLY check box.
2016 Jun 15 12:41 PM
Ok, but this popup don't have any entries, it's look like on the screen so I can't do nothing with fields.
2016 Jun 15 1:04 PM
Press continue in popup up to we will get.. Mean while you have to create screen variants. It will take you to table list.
2016 Jun 15 1:30 PM
You are the best, now if You can tell me how to assign this variant to be default for MD12 for all users. I've also created YMD12 using se93 and asssigning my variant to it but this don't work (when I test variant in SHD0 it's working perfectly).
Nevermind, I've done it Again thanks a lot
2016 Jun 16 4:33 AM
Hi Tiru,
SHD0->STANDARD VARIANT tab->VARIANT GROUPS tab. Here create group name and add users.