2008 Sep 26 10:27 PM
HI Gurus!
I have a requirement wherein I have a transaction which does the splitting of the bills for customers. The report is when executed sets up a screen wherein we enetr our comapany codes , plant and customer number and when we eneter it takes us to the split screen where we select any UWi and split the bill. I need to add a fucntionality in it wherein if a particular person is already in witha certain plant say 100 , and if another person also wants to perform the operation for plant 100 and he eneters the plant 100 in his selection screen and presses enter , he should be getting a warning message saying that somebody else is already working on this plant. How can we and where can we set up this message to apper or soemting which will warn the other user that somebody is working on a particular plant and so dont enetr that plant as of now.
2008 Sep 26 10:33 PM
2008 Sep 26 10:33 PM
2008 Sep 26 11:07 PM
Yes , but I dont want it to lock it down so that others cannot use it , it will be like a soft warning , to alarm them that somebody is using the screen with that plant so just dont use it (others may use it if they want but just we wnat to give a warning to other ). If I do lock it , where exactly do I have to put the lock and where do I have to Dqueue it or unlock it precisely. I have used a report for this program and it is a list of includes which performs the operation . SO I just wanted to know where exactly do I put the lock and unlock .
Thanks for the advice .
2008 Sep 27 8:12 PM
Well, SAP locks are logical, not physical, so you can do anything you want after testing. As to where to put it, that's kind of hard to say without knowing anything about your programs.
2008 Sep 30 10:16 PM
Well my program is a module pool program which basically does the splitting of the UWI's as per the location -use ztable for it. What 's happening is that when I place a lock after the plant validation and execute the transaction , in the selection screen when i input any plant and hit enter it gives me the warning message as I desire but it gives it on the first screen itself, I wnat it to give the message if I open up another screen and input same plant and execute then to give this message or if any other user other than me is using it with same pplant it should give that meassge and still let him proceed, but in my case its giving message in first screen itself and not allowing to proceed further, it shld actually allow me to proceed further.