2023 May 10 9:37 AM
Hi there,
working with transport request and tasks, I realized, that I could assign an object (e.g. a function module Z_CUSTOM_FM) to either the parent request (e.g. DEVK000001) or the task (e.g. DEVK000002) included in the parent request.
What is the difference between assigning Z_CUSTOM_FM to the parent request DEVK000001 or the task DEVK000002 or even the assingment of Z_CUSTOM_FM to both DEVK000001 and DEVK000002?
Thank you for helping me here. I'll highly appreciate your support!
2023 May 15 11:50 AM
Hi Carl,
Tasks are created under a request just to group the changes from different users.
Once the task is released, objects under the task are assigned to the request. When request is released changes done for those objects are transported.
To release a request, all tasks containing objects must be released first and only then the request could be released.
Hence, it does not make a difference if you want to add development object to the request or task
Here is the help content available for ADT Transport Organizer.
ADT Transport Organizer Help Content
Thanks and regards,
2023 May 10 9:51 AM
When you release a Task, the objects are linked to the TR.
So more or less there is no big difference.
You could have a difference if you check task (using ATC) when the task is released.
2023 May 15 11:50 AM
Hi Carl,
Tasks are created under a request just to group the changes from different users.
Once the task is released, objects under the task are assigned to the request. When request is released changes done for those objects are transported.
To release a request, all tasks containing objects must be released first and only then the request could be released.
Hence, it does not make a difference if you want to add development object to the request or task
Here is the help content available for ADT Transport Organizer.
ADT Transport Organizer Help Content
Thanks and regards,