2020 Mar 10 11:21 PM
This is more of a discussion than a question but here we go. How do y’all design and manage the exception classes? In some cases, I’m struggling to find a solution that would be simple and practical but not too "un-clean".
Let’s say there is a class ZCL_DELIVERY that performs some operations with an outbound delivery. There could be many different errors, some accompanied by a single message (“Delivery has a wrong status”), some by the whole table (e.g. returned by a BAPI or an error list for multiple items).
The class is used by different programs that might want to react to the exceptions differently: some would want to display an error message to the user, some would want to post in application log.
In the books and examples online I’m mostly finding suggestions to maintain text in the exception class and use IF_T100_MESSAGE. Personally, I don’t like this at all and find the whole IF_T100_MESSAGE~T100KEY super-confusing and bulky. The approach adopted by a colleague to create an exception class for basically every error doesn’t seem to be practical either (good luck searching by ZCX*).
I tend to gravitate towards more “generic” exceptions that carry error message details as attributes (this could be the T100 key equivalent or a string or BAPIRET2 table). In this example, I might create single exception class ZCX_DELIVERY and just pass whatever error message occurred with it. And I would define different exception classes only when exception requires a different handling or it’s single error message vs BAPI table, for example.
Advantages: (1) it keeps number of exception classes low; (2) “where used” in SE91 shows where exactly message is used in the class. Disadvantage: I don’t know if this is the right approach and if it backfires down the road.
How to keep balance between proliferating ZCX… classes vs ZCX_SOMETHING_BAD_HAPPENED? Is there some method (no pun intended) to the madness? What are your thoughts on this?
Thank you!
2020 Mar 11 5:21 AM
First things first: The "Clean ABAP" GitHub page contains some valuable inspiration on exception classes: https://github.com/SAP/styleguides/blob/master/clean-abap/CleanABAP.md
What I find valuable in my personal experience is this: Exception classes have a property called "Previous" - which points to another exception object. This can be used to pack exceptions inside each other.
Typically, the container exception will be more generic and the "previous" exception will be more specific.
You get the idea. In this example, wherever you catch the exception of Method C; you can track the error back to its main source following the PREVIOUS chain recursively. You can also display / log the error chain with some recursion. On the other hand, if you don't care about the root cause of the problem, you can simply assume "OK, integration failed", and move on.
2020 Mar 11 10:02 PM
Thanks for the answer! I actually never used PREVIOUS, noted it was there but somehow just glossed over it. I'll look some more into this, can see some suitable use cases.
2020 Mar 14 11:43 AM
One more thing I forgot to mention above are "Resumable exceptions". When method A raises a resumable exception; the caller may decide whether it should stop, or tell method A to ignore the error and resume. That is a neat and useful feature.
2020 Mar 16 7:15 PM
In general principal, I follow kerem.koseoglu's methodology and use the PREVIOUS parameter quite frequently.
I will generally only create one exception class for any given project, as the errors are all in regards to the same overall process. I always make use of an message class to make the messages as meaningful as possible. Not much use in returning an exception message like "Error creating order.".
I will also create a helper method from my higher level classes which can take a caught exception and loop through the PREVIOUS parameters. I keep checking if is bound. Once I hit the "deepest" or "lowest" exception, I will often return that as the error message to the user.
My helper static method...
METHOD zif_sc1_threshold~process_exception.
DATA: prev_error TYPE REF TO cx_root.
CLEAR: r_message.
IF ix_error->previous IS BOUND.
prev_error = CAST #( ix_error->previous ).
IF prev_error->previous IS BOUND.
prev_error = CAST #( prev_error->previous ).
r_message = prev_error->get_text( ).
r_message = ix_error->get_text( ).
The one importing parameter is an object of type cx_root. I keep the types generic, so that I can process any possible exception class and not just my custom ZCX... exception class.
It may not be the best or perfect solution, but it has worked well for my development.
In the case I need to return multiple return messages, such from a BAPI, I will often employ an error log, either a simple display of a table of messages or use the application log if it needs to be more robust and/or preserved.
2020 Mar 11 6:25 AM
I join the discussion without the solution, as you jelena.perfiljeva2, I am little bit lost with Exception Class, and I am searching for a good practice way.
I do it because I need to do it, but without real usage in real life.
If your exceptian failed, and you raised an error with a table, where did you use this ? who will use this ? end-users ? IT support ?
2020 Mar 11 9:29 PM
I also recommend the Clean ABAP tips about error handling.
About the "exception class madness": I try to keep the number low (check this). Let's say there's a class that provides customizing: ZCL_CUSTOMIZING. Customizing is general and company code dependent. Then there are two more classes for these two types of customizing: ZCL_CUSTOMIZING_GENERAL and ZCL_CUSTOMIZING_COMP_CODE. The result is a composition, both classes are used bei ZCL_CUSTOMIZING. Nevertheless, in my example I would only create one exception class ZCX_CUSTOMIZING to be used by all three ZCL... classes.
About the design: If necessary I would work with error codes.
2020 Mar 11 10:01 PM
Thanks for the answer! "Clean ABAP" was the first place I checked. "Use class based exceptions" - yeah, thanks for the tip. 🙂 It doesn't really offer practical guidance on organizing the exception classes. For example, it says "use own superclasses". OK, but how high would I start the hierarchy and how far down should I go? Your practical example here is much more helpful to me. I'm also trying to minimize the number of exception classes. But I want to make sure to strike the balance here and not to confuse the situation where more ZCX would be beneficial with the one where it wouldn't.
2020 Mar 11 9:54 PM
The IF_T100_and_so_on challenge ends with ABAP 7.50. Since then it is easier to return a T100 exception:
I also fight this battle often enough and don't have a best practice so far.
Some issues we had when mixing SE80-exceptions and eclipse-exceptions:
2020 Mar 11 10:09 PM
frdric.girod - there are two typical use cases in our system when the exception class returns a table of errors: a BAPI call in a class method and when a method receives a table with data and needs to validate all entries (or something like that).
This is typically used in an interface (e.g. a Gateway OData service) or a custom report that executes a chain of transactions, for example. In case of a service, the whole table would be returned to the caller. In case of a custom report, it is usually presented to the users via application log.
2020 Mar 12 12:20 PM
one more disadvantage of having a single class is that we cannot react differently to different situations by simply writing multiple 'catch'es within one try .. endtry like this:
my_delivery->set_completed( ).
catch zcx_delivery_not_so_bad.
" retry or ignore
catch zcx_delivery_critical.
" rollback
2020 Mar 12 7:29 PM
In the beginning exception classes were a real pain to me. Especially when I started to use ADT.
But with some time there were some best practices and with those at hand I became a fan of exception classes.
advantages in my opinion:
+ exception can be raised over several layers of code.
+ you can decide in what granularity you react (or if at all)
+ if equipped with a message the caller can simply append the exception to its application log
+ it can store more content or error information than every message can
disadvantages in my opinion:
- it takes some time to create one
- they tend to pile up
Due to those points discussions started. If you really want to develop object oriented you can hardly not use them.
As nearly all of our applications create BAL Logs we quickly came to the conclusion that we want all of our exception classes to be with message (T100). Additionally in my opinion those are way easier to create as you don't need this GUID for the text-IDs.
The fact that the constructor doesn't get updated once you edited it with ADT is a benefit in my opinion: The code that SE80 generates isn't very good in my opinion. So now you have the change to produce good looking exception classes as well. Additionally we created a general super class that all our exceptions should inherit from and we created and shipped a template to all ADT users. All of those points speed up creation a lot!
Talking about growth rate. Yes that is true. In newer bigger developments we see about twice as many exceptions as normal classes. We use seperate sub-packages for exceptions only. That way they are somehow out of sight.
What makes the growth rate even worse is the fact, that most of our exceptions have only one text-ID (same name as the class). The reason for that is that it is way harder to react differently on different text-IDs than on different classes.
I hope this long post helps a bit.
2020 Mar 14 3:19 PM
My approach: to group exception class by the complexity of functionalit.
for example: if in zcl_delivery we have:
1) calculate date for this week on base of sizes of 100 items
2) calculate route which depends on weather and traffic
3) some small checks and utilities
so exceptions from zcl_delivery:
It is just my approach 🙂
2020 Mar 14 3:56 PM
Yes, even we faced the same challenge while developing public APIs for our product. It was not just regarding the exception classes but on how we design our public APIs with clean code and more developer friendly.
So this is what we followed, when developing a public API.
Now, How we handle the exceptions?
2020 Mar 24 9:20 PM
Hi Jelena,
I could write at length about this topic, but as I'm short on time I'll just try to add two quick tips I didn't see covered in the answers thus far:
1. IMO don't worry about creating too many classes. Exception classes are an exception to the rule (see what I did there?) of "prefer interface over inheritance": Use inheritance. Lean on it, it's your friend. ZCX_DELIVERY can have subclasses either by process or by function, and more specialised subclasses can have additional attributes. More classes makes a where-used more targeted. On the other hand you can always CATCH the superclass to incorporate all children so your caller doesn't have to care too much what's being raised.
2. Exception classes are normal classes, use them! For example, you can use static methods to make raising easier / more readable:
return = messages.
LOOP AT messages WHERE type CA 'AEX'.
zcx_delivery_gm=>raise_with_bapiret( messages ).
(I don't know offhand if the delivery/goods movement scenario makes sense, I just wanted to crowbar a subclass in there...). Note too, that I'm just abusing the LOOP for it's WHERE capability, it'll bomb out via the exception once it enters the first pass. The static method then does the actual 'RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE...'.
Feel free to come up with your own scenarios.
2020 Mar 27 6:49 PM
I could write at length about this topic
You definitely should! 🙂
Thank you for chiming in. This type of practical advice is exactly what I've been looking for. The theory I read in the books either doesn't cover that at all or doesn't go deep enough into the use cases. (Understandably - one could easily write a book on the use of exception classes alone.) I've been kind of feeling my way around this in the dark for some time and, of course, some mistakes have been made. E.g. I see now that in some cases I leaned on inheritance where I should've used an interface.
Also your excellent point about the methods in exception classes was a revelation to me at some point. I've stumbled upon standard class CX_BAPI_CUSTOM_EX and only then realized we can actually add methods. For some reason, I thought that it was not feasible or at least not recommended.
This information could be helpful to many, I think.
2020 Mar 27 9:38 PM
Correct, they are fully functioning regular classes. It's their inheritance from cx_root that makes them exceptional (painful pun, sorry). While technically possible, it's not recommended to write entire applications with exception classes. But it's a good place to put small bits of exception-related code.
I also sometimes inherit an exception locally just to give it a more meaningful and/or findable name (e.g. for Gateway exceptions).
Here's a different take on the classic Hello World:
REPORT hello_st22.
CLASS lcx_helloworld DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cx_static_check.
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE lcx_helloworld.
2020 Mar 25 4:09 PM
I think there is a bigger discussion here. Exceptions are for unexpected conditions in the program not for handling every error situation. Failing to create an order because a customer is locked for sales area is most likely not an exception. But if as part of the order creation I might need to comunicate with an external system and there is no network this would likely produce a timeout exception.
I might create an exception in my application so that I can catch and encapsulate standard exceptions but I will always favor having a goold old return code to indicate if the process was done successfully and a message table to provide additional details. I the past I might have created a return class so I can group all status information but haven't done it in ABAP.
2020 Mar 27 5:39 PM
What you are describing here is the difference between what I would term a technical exception and a business exception.
But I will wholeheartedly disagree with your theory about return codes. They are a relic from the past and suffer from many problems. IMO the only valid use for them is in API functions where no exception is possible (e.g. BAPI).
The biggest issue is that you are placing a passive responsibility on the caller to deal with it (pull principle). If they don't code for it, it gets ignored. Exceptions force the caller to handle it (push) - either through syntax error or by dumping. This in itself makes the code a LOT more robust.
Exceptions also implement separation of concerns much better - you can have one block of code that deals with your regular program flow and another for the error handling. One CATCH instead of several IF SY-SUBRC... blocks.
In principle I agree that separating business and technical exceptions can be a good thing. That separation is however best achieved by raising e.g. zcx_delivery and zcx_interface. It leaves the option of e.g. the caller to CATCH one and pass the other up the chain.
2020 Mar 27 7:03 PM
Thanks for a reply! Yes, this is definitely a discussion rather than a question, as I mentioned, but unfortunately, there is no mechanism in Q&A section to start a discussion instead of a question. Discussions are possible only in the Coffee Corner but this is a serious subject, so I didn't want to open it there.
This is rather off topic but it's interesting that you favor a "return code" in case of successful process. I've been rather on the opposite side: an absence of exception should mean success and this should not require any special "OK" message. There are, of course, cases when upon success, some data is returned (e.g. a new document number). But if some method has a rather boolean result (either it worked or it didn't) then it shouldn't be expected to return anything other than an exception. If a reassuring message must be displayed to a user, for example, then the calling UI should handle it as it wants.
Case in point. Last year, we were working on some APIs (Gateway services) for external vendors. Our business users were insisting that in case of a successful execution, some APIs must return a message, such as "X was posted". However, this would (a) created more work for us because Gateway services are not really designed for that and we'd have to add such message as regular data; (b) the vendors were tempted into looking for specific message text to signify success instead of using standard HTTP code. In the latter case, an API could be easily "broken" if we changed the message text to "X was posted successfully". It took a lot of convincing to abandon this idea in most cases and I'm glad we did.
2020 Mar 27 9:03 PM
I’m not saying everyone should just ditch exceptions and use return codes. For me a least an exception is something that shouldn't happen but it can happen so is subject to some type of control, so in that case the obvious solution is to create an exception. However, I wouldn't create an exception class for everything that might go wrong and probably will (business or technical) .
I don’t think adding a bunch of exceptions adds necessarily to robustness I’ve seen too many empty catch clauses.
I think one should use some means of reporting that a process did or didn’t finished and specially why. Exceptions should be used sparingly. I agree that there is separation of concerns that one should take into account.
I didn’t even know a discussions section existed…lol. Probably my answer was more suited to be a comment, I’m very sorry.
I have to agree with you that we have opposed opinions about what an exception represents. For me an absence of an exception does not mean a process completed successfully it just means that nothing went fatally wrong.
I’ve never worked with the gateway but having worked as a Portal consultant I had the experience when an ABAP developer that built a remote function module for me to consume decided that his function module should raise an exception when it failed, this broke some many things on the Portal side because the ERP would just kill the work process, the Portal never got a response, not even one that would indicate something did go wrong. I think APIs, Interfaces, Services should always fail graciously.
Without knowing the details of the API example. If I were the developer building the client app for the API you mention I would prefer that the HTTP response always was that the process finished ok, but if in fact it didn’t, it would inform it in the response, instead of just the generic HTTP error code with an empty response. This would simplify greatly any diagnosis into what might have gone wrong.
I hope you can see I totally agree with your question when you say that is not practical to create an exception class for every error that might happen.
2020 Mar 28 10:12 AM
adaceroge I didn't suggest one should create lots of exception classes, only that one could.
You can use one class for a wide range of exceptions, especially when combined with RAISE EXCEPTION ... MESSAGE. But in other scenarios, especially where SY-MSGs get lost, a specific class makes an error easier to find (e.g. Gateway). If all I see in an http 400 response containing ZCX_ORDER then I'm a bit stuck. But a subclass LCX_NO_ITEMS at least tells me something and anyone can still handle ZCX_ORDER.
Regarding robustness and using exceptions sparingly, we'll just have to agree to disagree.
2024 Apr 24 2:38 PM
What is the best practice to combine multiple messages, given by a BAPI, (table of BAPIRET2) with the concept of Exception classes?
1.) A Method returns BAPI Messages to the invoker as a returning Parameter. The invoker checks wheather it contains an error (and reacts accordingly). Disadvantages: It is like a return code with all above mentioned disadvantages (old World).
2.) A Method raise an IF_T100_MESSAGE-Exception containing only the first BAPI-Message type Error. Disadvantages: We loose all other Messages (Waring/ Information)
3.) A Method raises an Exception. The Exception has a Member-Attribute type Table ob BAPIRET2. All of the Bapi-Messages are stored within the Exception. The Exception is only raised when the Bapi-Table contains at least one Message type Error. Disdavantes: The Previous-Concept does not work anymore. Lets call it "Bapi-Exception". It has no own TextID but a table of Bapi-Messages. If this Bapi-Exception is the previous Exception to another Exceptipion, the "higher" Exception must be a "Bapi-Exception" too(...). Another Disadvantage could be: We have to return the Messages as a returniung-Parameter if the Bapi-Table has no ErrorMessage anyway.
4.) We transform recursively all the Bapi-Messages to IF_T100_MESSAGE Exception using the Previous -Concept. This means we create 1 Exception for each line of the Bapi-Messages and chain them together with the Previous-Construct. Disadvantes: We misuse an Exception as a Protocol because an Exception is per definition an Error and it is not a Warning/Information.... Another Disadvantage could be the Performance(....)
5.) We make somehow use of the "Resumable" Concept (see above one Post): We raise a Resumable Exception for the Warning an Information-Messages....
In my Project I use IF_T100_MESSAGE Exceptions for "normal" Exceptions and stick with No. 1. (the Old World) in Case we deal with BAPI Messages because all the other Options is like choosing between pest and cholera.