2005 Nov 02 7:50 PM
I'm writing a list based on deliveries with no / incomplete invoice. At this moment i'm using the VBUP table joined with LIKP to get the sales org. My coding looks like
SELECT avbeln aposnr b~vkorg
INTO (i_data-vbeln, i_data-posnr, i_data-vkorg)
FROM vbup AS a
JOIN likp AS b
ON avbeln = bvbeln
WHERE a~vbeln GE '0080000000'
AND a~vbeln LE '0089999999'
AND a~posnr LT '900001'
AND a~fksta NE 'C'
AND b~vkorg IN p_vkorg.
I was wondering if this is the best way to know the deliveries with no / incomplete invoice. Does anybody know a better table, view ... to use.
2005 Nov 02 8:54 PM
What version of R/3 are you running?
And why not run a Billing Due List - VL04 ?