2010 Feb 26 1:36 PM
I try to delete a table with existing maintance dialog. So first I deleted the generated objects in SE54.
The corresponding funtion group is now no longer existing.
When I now try to delete the table in SE11 I got the message that it is still used. System said it is used
in an include of the deleted function group.
But this include does not exists. Can not be display in se38.
How can i delete this table.
2010 Feb 26 2:04 PM
I think when you delete a table in SE11 that has a maintenance dialog, the system asks you if you want to delete the maintenance dialog as well, and in case it is the last one inside a function group, it will even offer to delete the entire function group.
So maybe your solution could be to recreate the maintenance dialog and function group, then delete the table via SE11 and let the system do the cleanup.