2007 Mar 09 5:03 PM
Hello, i have a variable.
price like sflight-price
This variable is type P and it has a lenght= 8, output lenght = 20.
An example of the field contents is 513.69.
When i try to put this variable in a report, this blank spaces move my column
how i can supress that blanks. I read about the CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT function, but my variable is type p, and the fuction accepts a character type variable as input, when i try to pass the value to a type n variable, the program fails.
2007 Mar 09 5:10 PM
Store it into a char type variable and use the FM.
2007 Mar 09 5:10 PM
Store it into a char type variable and use the FM.
2007 Mar 09 5:12 PM
2007 Mar 09 5:14 PM