2005 Sep 16 11:33 AM
hi ,
I'm doing some Workflow testing and I've got a bunch of work items in my
Inbox. Is there a utility I can run that will just delete all of the work
items in my Inbox, regardless of the status?
any suggestions????
thanks in advance for your kind attention.
2005 Sep 16 12:03 PM
In Dev & Test environments you can delete work items using txns SWWL or SWWL_TOPLEVEL (Menu Path: Tools -> Business Workflow -> Development -> Administration -> Workflow Runtime -> Reorganization). However it is not recommended to do this in Production. You cancel the Workflow in Production
Ramki Maley.
Please reward points if the answer is helpful.
For info on awarding points click on this link: https://www.sdn.sap.com/sdn/index.sdn?page=crp_help.htm
2005 Sep 16 11:39 AM
Hi ashish,
below link might help you.
reward with points and close the thread if you find any answer
2005 Sep 16 12:27 PM
hi venu & Ramki Maley ,
thanks for your reply , i have already awarded points to you , but tell me how to close this thread.
2005 Sep 16 12:03 PM
In Dev & Test environments you can delete work items using txns SWWL or SWWL_TOPLEVEL (Menu Path: Tools -> Business Workflow -> Development -> Administration -> Workflow Runtime -> Reorganization). However it is not recommended to do this in Production. You cancel the Workflow in Production
Ramki Maley.
Please reward points if the answer is helpful.
For info on awarding points click on this link: https://www.sdn.sap.com/sdn/index.sdn?page=crp_help.htm
2005 Sep 29 3:17 PM
So if I don't want a user to receive a particular Workflow message everyday, how can I cancel that? Can someone tell the transaction code and procedure to do this?
> Ashish,
> In Dev & Test environments you can delete work items
> using txns SWWL or SWWL_TOPLEVEL (Menu Path: Tools ->
> Business Workflow -> Development -> Administration ->
> Workflow Runtime -> Reorganization). However it is
> not recommended to do this in Production. You cancel
> the Workflow in Production
> Cheers,
> Ramki Maley.
> Please reward points if the answer is helpful.
> For info on awarding points click on this link:
2005 Sep 29 3:29 PM
Hi Giovanni,
This question/thread is already closed. Please start a new thread with your question.
Ramki Maley.