2016 Oct 18 3:42 PM
Hi experts,
I have a problem with outbound idoc INVOIC02. I am using exit ZXEDFU02 to make some changes in certains segments and it works fine. When the invoice position is xxx (PSTYV) the user wants to delete the segments related to this posititions (E1EDP01, E1EDP02, E1EDP03, E1EDP19, E1EDP26, E1EDPA1, E1EDPT1..).
I tried to do this in the same userexit but in that moment DOCNUM SEGNUM SEGNAM PSGNUM HLEVEL in table INT_EDDID are not informed so I don't know how to delete the following segments.
Any suggestion ?
Thanks in advance.
2016 Oct 19 3:35 PM
Thanks Jelena, but that's what the user needs. I found the solution anyway. Include ZXEDFU01, those positions that I don't need are deleted from internal table DTVBDPR.
2016 Oct 18 7:38 PM
Why would this be required? If an item is in the invoice then it will also be in the IDoc. If you have some items not relevant for billing then perhaps they should not be in the billing document. Manipulating data in the IDoc is not a good idea and could even be illegal in some cases.
2016 Oct 19 3:35 PM
Thanks Jelena, but that's what the user needs. I found the solution anyway. Include ZXEDFU01, those positions that I don't need are deleted from internal table DTVBDPR.