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Delete pattern in range from internal table

0 Kudos

Dear Experts,

If I get a pattern from selection screen as a range, how can I use the range to remove lines with patterns in range from internal table?

For example:

I have r_dummy as a range

r_dummy-low = Dummy

Recorded data in the field in the internal table be like: [ Dummy_aaaaaa, Dummy_123, name2, name2]

how to remove the line?

I tried add * to r_dummy-low
then try like below but it doesn’t work:

DELETE lt_data WHARE field NP r_dummy-low.

And I try use it as a part of selection statement like :

FROM table

INTO TABLE lt_data

WHERE field NOT IN r_dummy

it doesn’t work either.

I need a clue.

Best Regards,


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Please use the CODE formatting button. The question would be much more legible:

Dear Experts,

If I get a pattern from selection screen as a range, how can I use the range to remove lines with patterns in range from internal table?

For example:

I have r_dummy as a range

r_dummy-low = Dummy

Recorded data in the field in the internal table be like: [ Dummy_aaaaaa, Dummy_123, name2, name2]

how to remove the line?

I tried add * to r_dummy-low
then try like below but it doesn’t work:

DELETE lt_data WHARE field NP r_dummy-low.

And I try use it as a part of selection statement like :

FROM table
INTO TABLE lt_data
WHERE field NOT IN r_dummy

it doesn’t work either.

I need a clue.

Best Regards,

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I don't understand your question at all. Why "dummy"? Why do you need to transform your selection screen criteria into something else before using it in SELECT?

Active Contributor
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range table (or SELECT-OPTION, which is also range table) has four fields:

  • SIGN
  • LOW
  • HIGH

If you want to use pattern correctly, then OPTION field needs to have value (operator) "CP" or "NP". These two are explained here:

In your example r_dummy table should have:

  • SIGN = I
  • LOW = Dummy* (Asterisk character is important here!)

If it is SELECT-OPTION, then user can enter "Dummy*" and this entry will automatically be with OPTION = CP.

-- Tomas --

Active Participant
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First prepare your range accordingly to your requirement, so if you want to have Dummy* filtered it should be

r_dummy-sign = `I`. "Include
r_dummy-option = `CP`. "Contains pattern
r_dummy-low = `Dummy*`.
APPEND r_dummy TO rt_dummy.

And then you can either use FILTER statement for it:

DATA(filtered_data) = FILTER #( lt_data WHERE field IN rt_dummy ).

Or you can delete unwanted entries from the internal table instead.

DELETE lt_data WHERE field NOT IN rt_dummy.

Active Contributor

It seems that your question is clear for other people, if I merge their interpretations and what I partly understand from your question, I would opt for a third "answer" which might correspond to what you're looking for:

DATA(r_range_without_dummy) = r_range.

r_range_without_dummy = VALUE #(
    ( LINES OF r_range_without_dummy )
    ( sign   = 'E' 
      option = 'CP'              " CP is case-insensitive
      low    = 'dummy*' ) ).

FROM table
INTO TABLE lt_data
WHERE field IN r_range_without_dummy.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

'E' being Exclude.