2008 Aug 04 2:25 PM
Hi All,
I created a custom search help for the vendor. The fields in the search help are LIFNR (Vendor) and KTOKK (Account Group).
I would like to be able to set three default values for the account group. That is, when the user clicks on the dropdown to display the search help, I would like to have three values populated in the KTOKK field. Is this possible?
Any help would be appreciated.
2008 Aug 04 2:33 PM
Hello MH,
I don't think it is possible. You can only do your custom logic for data retrievel using the Search help EXIT.
2008 Aug 04 2:33 PM
Hello MH,
I don't think it is possible. You can only do your custom logic for data retrievel using the Search help EXIT.
2008 Aug 06 2:49 PM
Resolved. I created a search help exit and added code in the PRESEL control step
2008 Oct 07 1:05 PM
Hello Friend,
I also have the same requirement to change the default value of Account Group(KTOKK).
Could you please provide me the procedure which you have used to solved your problme using Search help exit.
It would be a great help to me.
Thanks in advance!!!
Best Regards
2008 Aug 04 2:39 PM
I am not sure abt default values, but if you are using this search help in any report than you can set hot keys in your search help and using hot keys, you can set some default filter values in you report's parameter.
you can set variant in your report where parameter is having values like :: =,<hotkey>,<sel1>,<sel2>
here <hotkey> : wht you have assingned in search help.
<sel1> : one of those default values you want to display.
<sel2> : one of those default values you want to display for the second field.
hope it helps,
2008 Aug 04 2:47 PM
Hi Sagar,
Yes, I will be using the search help in a report.
Could you give me a few more details on how to use the hot keys, please?
2008 Aug 04 3:56 PM
Hi MH,
Giving multiple default values in search help for one field.
There are only three ways to set default value to the field of search help.
1.) paas as literal i.e in quotes
2.) paas as parameter ID
3.) paas system variable like sy-uname
Please reward if you find the answer useful.
Kamesh Bathla