2009 Jun 09 6:16 AM
I am trying to download an internal table with deep structure to an excel sheet. I used function modules GUI_DOWNLOAD and MS_EXCEL_OLE_STANDARD_DAT, but both result in a short dump. The reason is during run time this deep structure is pushed into a variable of type STRING. Due to this incompatible conversion the runtime is triggering a dump. Is there any alternative for this?
2009 Jun 09 8:53 AM
You can devide that deep structure into simple ones and pass them separately to the 2 files.
or u can assign the values of the deep structure line by line by filling out the internal table as
line1 : stru1 data
line2 : strut2 data
line3 : stru1 data
line4 : strut2 data
and then download the above internal table using GUI_DOWNLOAD.
2009 Jun 09 9:17 AM
Define your table as data:
data:begin of downlist occurs 0,
end of downlist.
call function 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'
filename = lfullpath
filetype = 'ASC'
data_tab = downlist
Hope this helps.