2023 Jun 26 4:38 PM
Hi Guys,
I have a requirement to created deep structure (JSON to external system) like below :
Body: { "name" : "user id",
"email" : "email address",
"description" : "user display name",
"remote-name" : "id in the remote system",
"screen-reader" : "true/false",
"roles" : [ "role1", "role2", ...] }
SAP does not allow to '-' in the field name, I was able to create dynamic internal table with field names having '-' using cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table but not sure how create a deep structure to add "roles".
Please guide.
2023 Jun 26 6:06 PM
It's bad practice to use cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table as explained here: Alternative to CL_ALV_TABLE_CREATE=>CREATE_DYNAMIC_TABLE | SAP Blogs.
For information, dynamic variable creation should use RTTS, creating variables with "-" is supported only if CREATE is called with P_STRICT = abap_false.
Better use /UI2/CL_JSON. There's built-in dynamic creation (not sure how to handle both dynamic creation and names containing "-").
2023 Jun 26 9:00 PM
Thanks Sandra for your inputs.
I will able to create dynamic_table using RTTS with field name '-' and then added a similar code below to create a deep structure.
2.1 Creating the Deep strcuture field
DATA: lo_tab TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr.
lo_tab ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'LVC_T_SCOL' ).
la_comp-name = 'COLOR_TAB'.
la_comp-type = lo_tab.
APPEND la_comp TO lt_tot_comp.
CLEAR: la_comp.
2023 Jun 27 11:02 AM
Just to complete my previous comment, these are the lines which I was referring to, in my blog post: https://github.com/sandraros/ZCL_ALV_TABLE_CREATE_RTTC/blob/4fe1113b091fe3b2b29114a3bb59bdbdb57765ef...:
lp_struc_descr = cl_abap_structdescr=>create(
p_components = lt_comp
p_strict = ' ' ).
As you can see, it's p_strict = ' ' so the class is ready for supporting names with a dash/hyphen.