2005 Aug 27 5:50 AM
how to debug transaction i mean which program in the backend has to be debug and where beak point should i put.
Just please anyone tell me a generalize logic for that.
2005 Aug 27 7:45 AM
Hi Mave
Just put a '/h' in the command box first, you will get the message 'Degugger on' and try F-48
Goto SE93, enter transaction name (and display), here you will find a program, double click in it (you will goto program). Here you can see the code as well as you can put a breakpoint at any line of code by using red colored 'STOP' button in application toolbar.
So, after putting a breakpoint, try running F-48
2005 Aug 27 6:06 AM
There are two possible strategies for starting the Debugger in the ABAP Workbench:
1. By setting breakpoints then running the program
2. By running the program in debugging mode.
Setting Breakpoints
A breakpoint is a signal in a specific line of the program source code. This signal indicates to the ABAP runtime processor to stop the program at the relevant line and start the ABAP Debugger. A distinction is made between static and dynamic breakpoints. For further information about the different types of breakpoints and how to use them, refer to Breakpoints.
Direct Processing
You can start the Debugger without previously having set breakpoints. This is the best procedure to use when you want to test a program right from the beginning. It is also a useful procedure if you are not overly familiar with the program and therefore are not sure where best to set breakpoints. You can start the Debugger as follows:
From the Object Navigator
Select a report or transaction and choose Program -> Test -> Debugging.
From the ABAP Editor
Choose Program -> Execute -> Debugging (or the Debugging pushbutton).
From any screen
Choose System -> Utilities -> Debug ABAP.
From any screen/TRANSACTION
Enter /h in the command field.
Message was edited by: Aslam Riaz
2005 Aug 27 6:54 AM
i want to debug a transaction called as F-48 and i am getting an error message 7q320 ,how could i co that can anybody help?
2005 Aug 27 7:45 AM
Hi Mave
Just put a '/h' in the command box first, you will get the message 'Degugger on' and try F-48
Goto SE93, enter transaction name (and display), here you will find a program, double click in it (you will goto program). Here you can see the code as well as you can put a breakpoint at any line of code by using red colored 'STOP' button in application toolbar.
So, after putting a breakpoint, try running F-48
2005 Aug 27 7:46 AM
hi, if you got the error message, double click the message content, then it will popup a windows, you can get the message ID from it.
Use System -> status, you can find the program name for the tcode you're using. E.G. F-48 is SAPMF05A.
So open the application in se80(38), and do a global search in the whole application for the message ID you get. Then you can get the position where to set the break-point.
Hope it will be helpful
Thanks a lot
2005 Aug 27 9:10 AM
- Transaction F-48 is linked to program SAPMF05A, so from se38 you can search a piece of code like "message e320(7q)";
- from SE91 you can search where message 7q320 is used.
After finding the message, you set the break-point and so run the program in debug.
If you can't find the code because the message is dynamicly called, then you can run program in debug, when debug is active from menu: Breakpoint->Breakpoint at->Statement,
it'll open a popup, where you can insert the statement "MESSAGE". The system set'll breakpoint in each point where a message is called.
2005 Aug 29 9:41 AM
Basically the fastest way is to use /H in the transaction.
When you are in the debugger, goto the menu,
breakpoint--->breakpoint at -
> statement
insert the statement MESSAGE.
Now, there is a breakpoint in all MESSAGE statements in the relevant code. Press F8 and the debugger will stop there. (Except when the messages are controlled by a special mechanism).