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Debug of smartform and sapscript.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

1)- How can i debug the smartform. Is there any transaction. How to debug pls give me details.

2)- How to debug the sap script. Becose one debugger that debug the print program and another debugger we active in transaction se71 -> menu utitlity-> Activate debugger. How this two debugger deffrent .




Former Member
0 Kudos


1) DEBUG Smartform:

One way to debug smartform is to debug the Function Module of that smartforms. If you want to debug particular smartform node that the solution would be, insert a "Program Line" just above the node you want to debug and this program line write a normal abap breakpoint. So whenever you call the smartforms, it will stop at this breakpoint and you can debug onwards.

2). DEBUG SAPScript

They are two ways to debug the SAPScript.

1). Use Tools - Word Processing - Layout Set (SE71). Enter name of layout set and then Utilities - Activate Debugger.

It is of no consequence which layoutset you enter when selecting the SAPscript debugger. (Menu path: Tools-Wordprocessing - Forms, Utilities - Activate Debugger) The next layoutset called will invoke the debugger.

2). Another way to set the SAPScript debugger is to run program RSTXDBUG.

When you debug Print program it is same as you debug any other ABAP program. While when you debug SAPScript, you actually debug the code ( scripting) you have written SAPScript Form.

I home this answers will clarify your doubts.


0 Kudos

Hello ,

SFTRACE can be used for debugging SMARTFORMS.

Read More here.

