2007 Sep 03 2:42 PM
Hi Friends,
I have come across with date and time problem in my BDC program
as I have date in YYYYDDMM e.g. 20070309
and in my transaction i need to pass it as MM/DD/YYYY format?
what should I do.
l_date type char10.
I am passing wa_date to l_date using edit mask '__/__/____'.
but it is not solving my problem.
kindly help it's urgent.
2007 Sep 03 2:44 PM
Dont use mask..
DATA : w_date(10) TYPE n.
WRITE : <your date variable> TO w_date.
Pass w_date to the BDC table..
Thanks and Regards,
Vikas Bittera.
2007 Sep 03 2:47 PM
When you fill a BDC data, its better to use WRITE than MOVE instruction to fill the value, especially amounts and dates.
Also insure to be in the same language when building BDC as when executing it.
2007 Sep 03 3:13 PM
use following line of code for your requirement
sy-datum+6(2) '/'
sy-datum+4(2) '/'
INTO date.
make sure that date is of char 10.
2007 Sep 03 4:50 PM
goto the transcation. Find the field name. give some value to the field. Then switch on the debugger.
check how the data is stored. u can convert it as required.