2023 Oct 26 5:34 AM
Dear Experts,
Below show field ZQAMOUNT having data type P(17.dec2).Previous amount field had a C(20), to achieve a sum after downloading that report to excel i have changed data type from character to packed decimals. The issue is Because of packed decimals it is taking minimum value as 0.00. Requirement is that Whenever I download the report to excel I should not get 0.00 for ZQAMOUNT Field as shown below.
Its like multiple data type for single field in internal table.
Kindly some please share me an idea how to do it.
2023 Oct 26 6:01 AM
Sorry but I don't have a single idea what your code looks like, how you display the ALV grid, what is your field catalog, how you "download the report to excel", etc.
2023 Oct 26 9:49 AM
Create a true currency amount field (CURR) associated to a currency code (CUKY)
Else if you use ALV try to set no_zero in the field catalog