2008 Aug 06 6:33 AM
Please let me know the objects that are migrated in HR.
(For ex: IN SD the objects that are migrated are customers(Kna1,knb1,knvv), sales orders(Vbak,vbap,vebp) , condition records)
Like that please let me know the objects that are migrated in HR and the tables associated with that object.
2008 Aug 06 6:42 AM
some of the objects are
Infotype Description.
0000 Actions
0001 Organizational Assignment
0002 Personal Data
0003 Payroll Status
2001 Absences
2006 Absence Quotas
0008 Basic Pay
0009 Bank Details
0021 Family Member/Dependents
the table for these infotypes are PAXXXX
meainng for 0000 table will be PA0000
transaction PA30.