2009 Oct 22 7:54 PM
Hi, i need to get the Notes atached to a Purchase Order in my print program that is called from COR2.
But im having a problem: cl_binary_relation=>read_links_of_objects is returning the exception cx_obl_model_error.
The strange thing here is that, with the same Purchase Order if i use this method on SE24 i get the same exception, but only at the first run, if i run the method again with the same data it returns the links.
What could be the problem ?
ls_objects-instid = p_order_num. "Purchase order number
ls_objects-typeid = 'BUS0001'.
ls_objects-catid = 'BO'.
"Append the object to the object table "
APPEND ls_objects TO lt_objects.
"Get the links for atachments"
it_objects = lt_objects
et_links_a = lt_links_a ).
CATCH cx_obl_model_error.
CATCH cx_obl_parameter_error.
CATCH cx_obl_internal_error.
Any possibilites are welcome
2009 Oct 22 9:14 PM
Just in case, i tried to populate even fields that i though not obligatory and it solved my problem somehow.
Anyway if someone has some idea about why i have to populate them it is apreciated.
Now i pass the Relation type 'NOTE' and role 'GOSAPPLOBJ' and it fixed the problem.
" Build object with document number type and category"
ls_objects-instid = p_order_num.
ls_objects-typeid = 'BUS0001'
ls_objects-catid = 'BO'.
"Append the object to the object table "
APPEND ls_objects TO lt_objects.
"Build the relation type table to get only notes
wa_rel_opt-sign = 'I'.
wa_rel_opt-option = 'EQ'.
wa_rel_opt-low = 'NOTE'.
"Append the relation type
APPEND wa_rel_opt TO it_rel_opt.
"Build role table for GOS
wa_rol-sign = 'I'.
wa_rol-option = 'EQ'.
wa_rol-low = 'GOSAPPLOBJ'.
"Append the role type
APPEND wa_rol TO it_rol.
"Get the links for atachments"
it_objects = lt_objects
it_role_options = it_rol
it_relation_options = it_rel_opt
et_links_a = lt_links_a ).
CATCH cx_obl_model_error.
CATCH cx_obl_parameter_error.
CATCH cx_obl_internal_error.