2016 Jun 07 3:22 PM
Hi Experts,
Pl help.
I need to see the customizing Ztable logs in quality system. When we make entries in Development system
they are showing fine in SCU3 transaction but when i transported the entries to quality system they are not showing up.
I have checked 'log data changes' checkobx in the ztable properties and we also have system wide log setting correctly in qual and Dev systems.
What is missing here?. How to get the table changes logs in quality system?. This Ztable is maintained from SM30.
2016 Jun 07 3:41 PM
Can you check if the table DBTABLOG is updated in case of any change in Q system? If no, then then there should be some problem in the logging activation. If yes, and still you are not able to see the changes through SCU3, then it must be an authorization issue with your user ID.
2016 Jun 07 8:51 PM
Thanks Juwin,
There are no entries in DBTABLOG. No authorization issue.
There is an issue with STMS missing paramter which transports the logs, Basis guys are fixing issue. Hopefully it should work.