2007 Aug 29 10:39 AM
I am trying to customise standard SAP program SAPM07DR.
While I can copy it to a Z* Program, I am unable to create a Transaction code because the screens do not exist in the copied program.
How can I create the Transction code OR how can I copy the screens so that I am able to run the new Z* Program.
2007 Aug 29 10:42 AM
Goto transaction SE80 & open program SAPM07DR.
Double click on the program name . Then right click on the program name & select COPY. Enter the remaining details. Once copied, activate it.
2007 Aug 29 10:42 AM
Goto transaction SE80 & open program SAPM07DR.
Double click on the program name . Then right click on the program name & select COPY. Enter the remaining details. Once copied, activate it.
2007 Aug 29 10:43 AM
go to se 51 and copy the screen to ur new program.
now go to table T 180 and T 181.
and add those screen sequences in the tables.
2007 Aug 29 11:12 AM
Well, I copied everything for the SAP program (SAPM07DR). If you do an SE80, for the program you dont find any screens. As such the program that I copied also does not have the screens on the listing.
But if you run the SAP program thorugh Tcode MB03, you will find that the first screen is 460.
2007 Aug 29 10:43 AM
When you copy a program to a Z Program it prompts you for what all ojects to be copied like Documentation, Variants, User Interface, Screens, Includes .
So you need check all those objects related to the Program and it will create Zprogram, but you need to give in Znames for all includes and all screens etc.
2007 Aug 29 10:44 AM
Dear Wandai
Goto -> Se80 and entry the program's name "SAPM07DR" after that you will copy all of thing in this program (screen , include ) .
After you finish copied program . you can create t-code.
Best Regards
2007 Aug 29 11:24 AM
enter prg name 'SAPM07DR'
create tcode.