2010 Feb 02 7:44 PM
I need to create a custom transaction for PA20 and PA30 (PA21 or PA31), hide the SSN fields from getting displayed on the infotype screens. However I do not want to customize the PA20 or PA30. It is required to create a separate transaction and assign it for few specfic users groups not entitled to view the SSn info. How to go about it?
2010 Feb 02 8:44 PM
This may help: It talks about a table where you can set up a mask.
2010 Feb 02 7:51 PM
I think that u can create a variant of those transaction and those once assign to the users as u want.
tcode = SHD0 and create a Transaction Variant against the original transaction.
2010 Feb 02 8:07 PM
Thanks for the quick turn around. I tried to go ahead with that but does not give any info where I can hide SSN Field. Can you elaborate it? Iit is new to me.
2010 Feb 02 8:16 PM
There s no function team here. I need to figure this out. I checked on the forum and searched for in SPRO-> PA->Customizing User Interfaces->Change Screen Modifications. I could not find the relevant module pool program and the screen number entry to modify it.
It looks like userexit approach is feasible because I do not want to hide SSN fields for all the users using PA20 or PA30 screen. It is only for a specific group. In that case how can i find the user exit for this task using SMOD?
2010 Feb 02 8:01 PM
First check Functional team that whether its possible through config or not. If its not possible then look for user exit / Badi. Since i did not find one, i checked possibility of enhancement spot as below:
In program: FP5U0E01
Form: *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
* Move SSN from storage to display field and format.
* --> P_SSN Stored SSN
* <-- Q_SSN Display SSN
above code will be triggered from program: MP00022U
* Move format to display field and format. *
above code from the screen : 2010
program: MP000200
2010 Feb 02 8:01 PM
Its not advised to create a custom transaction for PA30 or PA20 ...
All you can do is use user exit to achieve your goal.
Maintain the specific users in a custom table for whom you'll not show SSN field.
Write your coding to hide SSN field for these users.
2010 Feb 02 8:44 PM
This may help: It talks about a table where you can set up a mask.
2010 Feb 02 9:49 PM
We are not into encrypting SSN data. Thanks Rob anyway. Is there a possibility to modify the configuration in SPRO to create a custom transaction like PA21 that does not display SSN? if not, I found this userexit ZXPADU03 (PA userexit for menu). I could not find the BADI for it. In that case I need some help with the coding here. The user exit has only two input parameters TCLAS and PERNR. Any thoughts ir ideas shall be helpful?
Thanks again,
2010 Feb 02 9:52 PM
Although the title is about encryption, they specifically talk about masking SSNs.
Or just Google V_T588M.
Edited by: Rob Burbank on Feb 2, 2010 5:00 PM
2010 Feb 03 8:33 PM
Thanks for the help. I was able to mask the SSN fields using V_T588M. I tried the task in the DEV client. It worked fine for PA20 and 30 screens. Then I subsequwntly reverted the changes back to its orignial status it worked fine on the infotype 2 screen. But it did not on the START of PA20/ PA30 transaction. I do not remember changing anything else. Waht am I missing here?
Also, how can tie these changes to a custom transaction say PA21 as I do not want to make changes to the main PA20 or PA30.
Any thoughts or ideas shall be really helpful.
Thanks again,
2010 Feb 24 2:23 PM