2022 Jan 26 10:33 AM
I have a requirement to add a cutom tab and a field named QUANYITY in it and the same should saved into MSEG table.In some portals it was mentioned that we can not add custom fields into MSEG table except accounting data.
1.Can some one clarify me can we add fields to MSEG or not.
2. I want this new tab to be activated to specific movement types only.
3. Already there is an implementation class exist for MB_MIGO_BADI for some other custom tab requirement, Can i write my logic there or do i need to create new implementation for my requirement?
Can someone provide me the solution to acheive these?
2022 Jan 26 1:47 PM
the enhancement category of table MSEG is "enhancable with string and nuemric based fields" and of course you can add your own customer append to the table with customer fields and you could use for the Badi to fill this field.
An experienced developer should handle this w/o any problems.