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Custom Field Update in VBAK table

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

I have added two custom fields from VBAK table into the below screen details of transaction VA22 in Additional data tab B,

Program Name: SAPLXCN1

Screen number: 9120

One small logic here is these fields are inside a custom tab of a tabstrip. Am not able to update the standard table VBAK also the values that are entered in Transaction VA22 is not appearing if i go into the T-code again.

Kindly help me in updating the database.



0 Kudos


You need to move you data from the specific structure in you screen to the standard vbap structure ( In PAI Module) by calling structure from your specfic screen (ZXXX) lv_field

then all insertion/modification is done by the standard program,


0 Kudos

Could you please help me with more info. An eg with a piece of code would be better for me, as am new ABAP finding it quite difficult in achieving the same.

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0 Kudos


Ok , No problem,

In the code bellow:

We read data from different screen in Additional data B ( here there in a specific program ZSAPMV45A and the we put them in the standard sructure in of VBAP.

  • First we need to get data from the the specific structure
  • And the we assing them in local to structure then put values in VBAP structure



         lc_vbap          TYPE c VALUE '(ZSAPMV45A)VBAP'            LENGTH 15,

         lc_ctseed_field  TYPE c VALUE '(ZSAPMV45A)GT_CTSEED_FLD_GLB'  LENGTH 28,

         lc_del_tab       TYPE c VALUE '(ZSAPMV45A)GT_DEL_TAB'       LENGTH 21,

         lc_currentfldnum TYPE c VALUE '(ZSAPMV45A)GV_CURRENTFLDNUM' LENGTH 27,

         lc_ctcrop        TYPE c VALUE '(ZSAPMV45A)GT_CTCROP_GBL'    LENGTH 25," for screen 9203 program ZSAPMV45A.

         lc_del_crop      TYPE c VALUE '(ZSAPMV45A)GT_CTCROP_DEL'    LENGTH 25,

         lc_ctdispatch    TYPE c VALUE '(ZSAPMV45A)GT_CTDISPATCH_GBL' LENGTH 28," for screen 9204  program ZSAPMV45A.

         lc_del_dispatch  TYPE c VALUE '(ZSAPMV45A)GT_CTDISPATCH_DEL' LENGTH 28." for screen 9204  program ZSAPMV45A.

* Field-symbols

  FIELD-SYMBOLS : <ls_vbap> TYPE vbap.

  ASSIGN (lc_vbap)          TO <ls_vbap>.

* Assign the table control cropcontrol screen 9203 program ZSAPMV45A.

  ASSIGN (lc_ctcrop)        TO <gt_ctcrop>.

  ASSIGN (lc_del_crop)      TO <gt_ctcrop_del>.

  Assign the table control dispatch screen 9204 program ZSAPMV45A.

  ASSIGN (lc_ctdispatch)   TO <gt_ctdispatch>.

  ASSIGN (lc_del_dispatch) TO <gt_ctdispatch_del>.

  ASSIGN (lc_ctseed_field)  TO <gt_ctseed_field>.

  ASSIGN (lc_del_tab)       TO <gt_del_tab>.

  ASSIGN (lc_currentfldnum) TO <gv_currentfldnum>.

  MOVE <gt_ctseed_field>    TO gt_ctseed_field.

  MOVE <gt_del_tab>         TO gt_del_tab.

  MOVE <gv_currentfldnum>   TO gv_currentfldnum.

* Save transport term code loaded from screen 9212 in ZSAPMV45A program

  vbap-zztrans_term   = <ls_vbap>-zztrans_term.

* Save scoring result loaded from screen 9202 in ZSAPMV45A program

  vbap-zzscorslt      = <ls_vbap>-zzscorslt.

  vbap-zzseednature   = <ls_vbap>-zzseednature.

* Save data which are loaded from screen 9207 in program ZSAPMV45A program

  vbap-zzbusc         = <ls_vbap>-zzbusc.

Remark : in your case you need to change vbak standard structure.

Hope this will be useful,



0 Kudos


Am autually passing the value to XVBAK Structure and values are also getting passed properly but still i find the data base is not updates.

0 Kudos

Ok Ok ,

I think that you put your code in the wrong place, ( In execution Logic of dynpro : 1 PBO ,2 PAI , then 3 PBO)

Perhaps in debug mode you see that all variables are OK in PAI module but you miss that values are cleared in PBO )

Verify you PBO in debug mode ,


0 Kudos

Hi ,

I checked values are all there in the VBAK structure.

My question is once i pass the value to XVBAK, wont it update the table directly?

If not what is the step am missing here, should i commit somewhere or just passing the values in the xvbak is enough?

0 Kudos

Generaly when you use xvbak it doesn't need any commit action ,the question here if you're using a screen exit, or a specific screen, i think you need to check the user exit of your program also it's maybe due to clearing of the structure.

0 Kudos

for additional tab-B  to update the custom fields use program name sapmv45A and screen number  8309  use PAI and PBO.